The goal of good table linen napkins is to keep your dining room table safe and clean while not sacrificing your love for bohemian décor. Table linens can include table runners, cloth napkins, coasters, placemats, and tablecloths. Luckily we have an array of block print linens that are designed to mix-and-match for every occasion - big or small.
If simplicity is your thing, a block print table runner serves its purpose to decorate and protect a table, and its simple design really won’t make the room too busy. On the flip side, a table where you eat probably should use a full tablecloth. Check out our tablecloths to get some boho-style ambiance in your eating area and don't forget to accent with crisp, cloth napkins.
By opting for sustainable table linens over disposable, you can help cut down on waste and support an age-old craft by artisans in Jaipur.